Thursday, May 7, 2009

Do you think Great Britain's "Question Time" would work in America

Do you think Great Britain's "Question Time" would work in America?
GB has "Question time" in which the Prime Minister answers questions for an hour every Wednesday. Do you think this would work in America? Why or why not. I personally don't think it would work. I feel like nothing would get done, it would only make things worse.
Politics - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
I don't believe any politician.
3 :
Obama could not handle it unless he knew the questions in advance.
4 :
Obama would never go for it. He only likes scripted questions. As for how you think nothing would get done, nothing gets done now.
5 :
No one would watch it. People only care about the quick soundbites. That's why lies like "Death Panels" get so much traction.
6 :
As long as Obama had someone feeding him answers.
7 :
I would love to see it done in America.
8 :
So you want to see Republicans asking questions to Obama's teleprompter? I don't think it would work either.
9 :
Obama's staff would cherry pick the questions in advance and throw him cream puff questions pitched softball style. Remember when Gibbs said reporters have to email in their questions, and then the White House will decide which ones to answer?
10 :
They call it "Question Time" not "Answer Time". It can be a bit of a mess. I couldn't imagine US politicians handling such scrutiny. Never happen. I would have loved to watch Bush actually be forced to deal with someone who disagreed with him though.
11 :
It would at least assure that people who run for presided think they could defend their policies when questioned, which would improve the quality of the people who run. The only president I have seen that I think could handle being questioned is Clinton, and the country did pretty well when he was president.