Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why can't the U.S adopt a health care program like the ones in Canada & Great Britain

Why can't the U.S adopt a health care program like the ones in Canada & Great Britain?
With the rising costs of health care, it seems like we should take notice what other countries are doing to provide health care to all their citizens. Everyone should be entitled to have health care. Unlike the millions of Americans who work, but cannot afford to provide health care for their families.
Other - General Health Care - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
that would be nice, but the US can't even control who gets in to the country. so we end up spending too much money on non-citizens. if the US could control that a little more, we might ahve little more to go around for the people who are legally citizens. Also, Americans are fat glutenous pigs, who don't take care of their bodies. so it would cost a bloody fortune to care for us all.
2 :
The HMOs and Big Pharma have the Republicans bought off through political contributions, and actually write the legislation, behind closed doors.
3 :
I agree, but that would probably put us extremely far into debt (not like we're not already). To even begin to compensate for this, taxes would rise too. I wish the government would focus on domestic policy a bit more though... Although, think how long you spend at a DMV. That's what would happen to your health care :(
4 :
In Britain, we can't really afford it. If something is free the demand always exceeds the supply.
5 :
The health service in Britain was built up over years. for America to suddenly have a free health service would cost billions of dollars for the admin alone. The raise in taxes would be astronomical
6 :
Because the US is not Breat Gritain!
7 :
Before you try to rush into this as a solution you need to understand the sacrifices involved. In our country, we expect to get treated now for our medical conditions. In the countries stated above, medical care is free but SLOW. I have spoken to people from both countries and they said that it takes forever to even get a doctors appointment. Also, elective surgery (anything that is not a medical emergency) can take YEARS to get done. For example, having your gall bladder out because of chronic pain can take 3 years to get done unless it get severely infected in the meantime. While it seems that free healthcare would be wonderful, I don't think people here would be willing to give up the care we have now! When people in those countries need treatment, they will often come to the US and pay for it!
8 :
I personally would HATE to have a healthcare system like Canada or the UK. Anyone in the USA can get healthcare if they look hard enough. Many hospitals won't turn people away even if they don't have money to pay for the services. The way Canada and the UK pay for their healthcare services is with extraordinarily high taxes. They also don't have enough doctors or equipment to handle the workload. As a result, the healthcare industry in other countries have to make decisions on WHO to serve. If you need kidney dialysis, you might not receive it. I believe there is an arbitrary age cutoff for services. In other words, if you're old, you can't get dialysis or Chemo for cancer. Not to mention, our government can't handle distributing welfare or SSA payments without screwing them up. I don't want them in charge of my healthcare.