Friday, October 1, 2010

University tutiton fees in Great Britain

University tutiton fees in Great Britain?
I've been searching for some universities abroad to study at and found that going to GB is way more convenient for me than going to north america since I could actually work there due to my belonging to the EU. :) However, the tutiton fees on, for example, Roehampton University are 3,375£ per year. This is two semesters, right? (yes, of course..) If I would stay there three years and study criminology - would I then have to pay this amount of money three times or would the costs increase/ decrease? and, just to make sure.. would I get a MA or BA degree? 'cause I want to get the BA but can't find anything specific.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Tuition is subject to change. So one year you could pay that and the next you could pay more. You would get the BA degree. To get a MA would be 4 years (3 years +1)
2 :
Tuition fees have gone up every year since I started looking at them (I'm paying £3290 this year for example). So you'd have to pay slightly more each year. Unfortunately the laws regarding student fees have changed recently, meaning as of 2012/13 the fees cap will be raised to £9000 a year. Universities can charge what they like up to that value, but do have to pay a penalty for charging more than £7000 a year. I believe some Universities in the USA still charge a lot more than that though. A three-year course would give you a BA, yes.