Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Life choices advice needed urgently

Life choices advice needed urgently!?
Please help, I'm very confused as to what is the best way forward in my life. To give you a bit of background, I'm 35, live in the Channel Islands, Great Britain and have worked as a hospital administrator for 10 years. Before that, I had a nervous breakdown for want of better words. I had dropped out of university, got diagnosed with bipolar depression and the job started as simple clerical tasks as a therapeutic way of bringing me out of my depression. I did well at the job and soon moved up the ranks and 10 years on I'm still there! Don't get me wrong, it's a stable, well paid job but I've always felt as if I am 'better' than an admin person and need to get a career. I've got a teaching English as a foreign language qualification and have been teaching in my spare time and am almost finished a modern languages degree by correspondance. Meanwhile, I met someone 2 years ago through work, we've since bought a house together and got engaged. He's the love of my life! I'm 35 and my mother started her menopause at age 40. I'm worried that if we don't have a baby soon it will be too late. I also need to come off my lithium for at least 6 months before conceiving which will be very stressful too. So, my quandary comes because I've been 'head hunted' for a job which will incorporate my teaching skills and academic abilities by working as a 'mentor' in a careers service. The job is only a 6 month contract though and my current contract is permanent. Which order should I do things in? Stick with the well paid but boring job I'm in now, make full use of the maternity leave it offers and have a baby and forget about the career.... ......or, grab this chance at doing something I've been wanting to do for a long, long time and risk losing time to have a baby, risk losing money if my contract isn't renewed after the 6 months. Where would that leave us as a couple? I wouldn't be earning money to pay my share of the mortgage. To be honest, I can't work out which option is best for me and need your help. Thank you
Mental Health - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Wow quite a dilemma...have you tried talking to your mate about this? His opinion should matter more than anyones one here! If it's me personally, I would forgo the child and go for the career, but I'm not one who craves parenthood. One thing to consider is if your mates income can support the two of you if this other job does fall through? Worse comes to worse and you end up unemployed in six months, can he support the two of you while you try and find something else? I'm sorry I cannot give you the answer and tell you what to do, but I strongly recommend talking over these issue you brought and the ones I raised with your mate. Best of luck to you!
2 :
Ferris House