Once, Britain had the largest empire on Earth Once, Britain fought in and was victorious in two World Wars Once, Britain was home to brave, caring, loving gentlemen Once, Britain was home to sweet, hardworking, gentle women Why is it that in the past Great Britain was home to such wonderful people, yet today a large majority of people (Atleast where I live) are happily unemployed, baby creating Vicky Pollards. I live in a country in which politicians are corrupt, cowards with no backbone whatsoever, Illegal immigrants can come here, and claim rights, and are given them, while the British people have less rights than those who come here from overseas. There are cases of hardworking men and women being pushed to the back of hospital waiting lists, in order to put "Gypsies" and illegal immigrants at the front. The law in Britain is the bottom pit of this hell, I will get 5 years for murdering a child, yet a man was given 20 for drugs charges. If I am attacked, or mugged, or someone tries to murder me, I have no right to defend myself, or subdue or even in the worst case kill my attacker, as it is looked down upon, in Britain, especially England, defending myself, or family, is a crime if it where to mean the agressor would be hurt or killed. While the politicians squander and lie, the workers suffer, and those who don't work, reap the benefits of the people. What happened to "Great Britian" ? And what can we do to help ?
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't know about all that bro - but British babes are rightiously bodacious dude! I know this one chick down at the docs from England - that babe is into all kind of freaky stuff bro! You dudes are do luck bro.
2 :
WwII destroyed them economically, so they had to rebuild and lose the colonies. But people there are too satisfied with their way of life, and it happens everywhere.
3 :
Someone from India just posted the same question. I answered by saying the USA is in the same condition. The entire developed world is drowning in an ocean of corruption and public ignorance. Soon we will become two class third world toilets like the undeveloped world. We will all be like Mexico and the countries in Africa. This is how civilization comes full circle and goes back to living like cave men. With the people cheering all the way down.
4 :
You and your people need to band together. The first thing that needs to happen is to get rid of this stupid political correctness that's killing off societies. What a stupid concept, walking on egg shells around people just because one might offend someone who isn't paying attention or cares what you say anyway. Get rid of "diversity" and Multiculturalism obsessions. Other ideas and cultures can enrich a society, but it should never get to the point where those ideas are allowed to take over the host culture. And when resisting them could get you in trouble, even when it's detrimental. Get rid of white guilt and stop making it so all cultures are better than the one you had. Strip illegal aliens of all entitlements such as welfare and free stuff, knowing you, a citizen could never be taken care of so well.
5 :
The U.K. has been in decline for over 90 years now. Sorry, but it is a hopeless case, completely hijacked by political correctness.
6 :
You Brits had held your rulers accountable in the past. I seem to recall reading about one of your incompetent kings getting dragged out of the palace and executed. Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Australia, Canada, Scandanavia, Spain, and the United States all jumped on the diversity bandwagon together, and it has been proven to be a failure. China and Japan don't have our racial problems because they don't allow many foreigners to enter their countries. I can't wait for the majority white nations to finally throw in the towel on diversity and start the long, bloody process of undoing this failed experiment. Millions of unemployed white people is a good thing for those of us who hate diversity.
7 :
this is once how america was too....but unfortunately, it all changed
8 :
The E.U. will be the death of you if you don't kick it to the curb.