Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Is it necessary for me to take a TOFEL test

Is it necessary for me to take a TOFEL test?
I understand TOEFLs are very important for non native speakers who would like to work in the States or Great Britain and so on. Well I was born in Austin, Texas and I lived there for 7 years, and until this day I think in English and I am very comfortable with English. I wanted to take part in the Cambridge test in Switzerland but my teacher said it wouldn't be necessary for me because English is practically my first language. But I don't look like somebody who has English as theor first language and my name doesn't sound english either, would it bring problems for me if I don't take such a test?
Standards & Testing - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Most US residents (and citizens from first world English-speaking countries) don't need the TOEFL exam. As long as you completed your high school in the English language, you're good to go.
2 :
If your High School is in english, then you dont need to take the TOEFL.