Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why do liberals support gun control

Why do liberals support gun control?
Gun control has never one time in history been proven to equal crime control. All the statistics I can find show that throughout history gun control has never worked. Take Australia, Great Britain, and the District of Columbia for example. In the US the states with the lowest per-capita gun violence and overall crime rate are the ones with the almost non existing gun laws. If guns cause crime, why do states like Montana where 95% of the populace is armed have such a low crime rate. The number of guns in the US has been increasing year after year, yet our crime rate has been steadily dropping. 38 states have seen a drop in their crime rate after enacting concealed carry laws. DC banned handguns, immediately afterward their crime rate skyrocketed while the rest of the countries went down. California has a much higher than average gun violence, yet they have the strictest gun laws in the country. So since no one has ever been able to show a case of gun control equaling crime control why do 65% of liberals despise guns? What is your true agenda? Also, why do you mention hunting when referring to the second amendment? What part of the second mentions hunting or target shooting? We all would like to see less gun violence, so why will so many liberals not get behind something that works? When you get rid of guns you have an environment where only criminals are armed, therefore they are far braver than they would be if they knew there was a good chance their victims could be armed. I am an Independent. My opinion is both parties are corrupt, so this has nothing to do with the right. I'm asking this based on a debate I participated in in school. I just want to gain some info as to why so many Liberals support stricter gun laws when the ones we have don't work. I am for background checks, and anything that will truly help keep criminals and the mentally ill from obtaining guns. That is where it ends though, laws that do basically nothing but create red-tape for the law-abiding I see no use for. Wow some of you ppl are so fucking stupid. Like the "cows in Montana" comment. Please look up per-capita please. TD, could you share the statistics that show the states with lenient gun laws have as much if not more crime please? The answer is, no, I bet you can't. It simply isn't true so good luck with that. LOL Paul RN, you are a classic example of just how fucking ignorant the gun grabbers are. Your answer is so baseless, and without fact it is pointless to even respond to. According to the most recent polls only 3% of America feels gun control is an important issue, while 73% of us feel the laws we have are enough. 44% thinks we have too many useless gun laws that do not work. Point is, my question is mainly driven by curiosity. The people with the "all guns are bad" mindset are so few it doesn't really matter what drives your ridiculous opinions. Luke, if its the guns doing this why have the countries that have virtually disposed of guns not seen a drop in gun violence and their murder rates? I encourage you to do some research on the subject. For starters look and see who commits 0ver 80% of our gun crimes. Cars, cigarettes, swimming pools, and fast food kill far far far far more children than guns so do these things need to be banned? Ever wonder why school shootings didn't happen 50 years ago? Back then children had much m

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why do people believe that socialism will work here in the U.S. when it's always failed everywhere else

Why do people believe that socialism will work here in the U.S. when it's always failed everywhere else?
Socialized healthcare is a terrible mistake but so many people seem enamoured of it or a government ran socialized health insurance. Why don't people understand that this will drive up the costs for everyone and make it more difficult to obtain? People in Canada cross the border into the U.S. daily to use our healthcare system and people in Great Britain die waiting for Cat scans. Socialism has never worked; yet many people here seem to think it's the way to go.
Politics - 11 Answers
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1 :
It is better than the healthcare system we already have.
2 :
87% of people in Canada are satisfied with their healthcare system. A few people crossing the border does not mean the system failed. Did you know that people from the US go to other countries to get operations performed. Look it up, it is called medical tourism. Does that mean our current system is a failure?
3 :
Every major industrialized nation on the planet has socialized healthcare except the united states. It's clear that WE are doing something wrong. Is the system perfect? Far from it, but even then, it's something. Even waiting a month for something like a MRI scan is better than never getting it at all because you can't afford to pay for it. Private healthcare is always an option though, even in countries where socialized medicine is the norm. But a public one is invaluable. Especially one day if say you'd need a liver transplant, and your insurance carrier doesn't think you're worth it, so to keep the bottom line high, they'll claim that a liver transplant is "experimental" and deny you payment for one.
4 :
why do you people never mention americans who have to travel to europe or canada for procedures not offered here? you only mention the vice versa
5 :
Debunking Friday the 13th: 13 Myths about Health Care Reform Written By: Conrad F. Meier Published In: News Releases Publication Date: June 12, 2003 Publisher: The Heartland Institute -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you cross the path of a black cat this Friday the 13th, you’re about as likely to experience bad luck as you are likely to win the lottery. That’s a fact. But facts often give way to myth. While many of those myths are relatively harmless, others can be downright dangerous to our life, liberty, prosperity, and health. The single-payer health care plans touted by former Vice President Al Gore, Congressman Richard Gephardt (D-Missouri) and other Democrats offer a truly frightening case in point. Consider these 13 myths about single-payer health care. Myth #1 Single-payer systems are not socialized medicine. Single-payer means government is the insurance company. It doesn’t charge “premiums,” but instead raises taxes. It controls not only the financing, but who gets what services, the quality of what they get, when they get it, and if they get it. You don’t get much more socialized than that. A single-payer system is one big HMO, without the discipline and accountability achieved by competition. Myth #2 Single-payer systems are efficient. A study by the Institute for Global Health at the University of California concluded the Kaiser-Permanente HMO in the United States and Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) have similar resources, but the HMO offers better care more quickly. The difference is explained by better management, better use of integrated systems, greater investment in technology, and free-market competition. Myth #3 Single-payer systems are compassionate. If you think HMOs and insurance companies lack compassion, wait until you experience a health care system run by politicians and government bureaucrats. Single-payer health care systems depend on coercion and intrusion into the private affairs of persons subjected to them. Paperwork and red tape--not compassion or respect for the doctor-patient relationship--rule. Myth #4 Single-payer systems are not expensive for governments. Gephardt’s proposal would cost $247 billion--every year. A proposal to implement single-payer health care in Maryland alone would have cost $40 million a year ... plus lost payroll tax receipts of nearly $5 billion. As many as 117,000 jobs would have been lost. Myth #5 Single-payer systems are “free” for individuals. Single-payer health care plans are not free: They are paid for by tax dollars. Billions of them. The Maryland proposal would have required a 33 percent increase in the state’s personal income tax. Canadians pay extraordinarily high income taxes for their “free” care ... only to have to pay again when they come to the United States for care they can’t get in Canada. Myth #6 Single-payer systems do not ration care. In a single-payer health care system like Britain’s, patients have every incentive to demand care, and lots of it. Since no system can satisfy unlimited demand, the central authorities must resort to the only strategy open to them: rationing. In single-payer systems, you get rationing by waiting list; rationing by price controls; and rationing by restricting access to specialists, technology, and new drugs. Myth #7 Single-payer systems offer high-quality care. To get access to the least-invasive, most effective health care technology, citizens living under single-payer health care schemes come to the United States. The Canadian Fraser Institute reported in August 2002, “with regard to access to high-tech machinery, Canada performs dismally by comparison with other OECD countries. While ranking number one as a health care spender, Canada ranks 18th in access to MRIs, 17th in access to CT scanners, [and] eighth in access to radiation machines ...” Myth #8 Single-payer systems offer timely care. On any given day, one in 60 British citizens are waiting for medical treatment. Of those who are sick and actually need care, one in six must wait. After meeting with a senior doctor, one million people in Britain are on a waiting list for in-patient hospital admission at any given time. Just 155,000 of those are seen within four weeks. For 250,000 of them, it takes more than 26 weeks to be admitted for care. Myth #9 Single-payer systems improve access to prescription drugs. In Britain, the government determines how much profit a pharmaceutical firm is allowed to make--a sure way to arrest research and development. In addition, they ration access to drugs with a lottery based on a consumer's zip code. The prize is your eligibility to receive free medication. The “lucky” zip cod can change at any time, apparently on the basis of political expediency rather than medical necessity. Price controls and rigid drug formularies--hallmarks of a single-payer health care system--limit access to drugs and violate doctors’ and patients’ freedom of choice. Myth #10 Single-payer systems allow you to see any doctor you choose. Many doctors already refuse to accept Medicare patients. A recent study by the American Medical Association found nearly half of all U.S. physicians would have limited their Medicare practices further if the federal government had carried out a plan to cut physician fees. How many more doctors would “opt out”--or quit the professional altogether--if the entire U.S. were one big Medicare program? Myth #11 Single-payer systems are popular with doctors. Five hundred physicians leave Canada every year to practice in something other than a single-payer health care system. Zosia Kmietowicz wrote in the October 20, 2001 issue of the British Medical Journal, “one in four general practitioners (GPs) in Britain's National Health Service is seriously considering leaving general practice.” The British Medical Association surveyed all 36,000 General Practitioners in Britain, asking them if they would be prepared to resign from the NHS. There was a 66 percent response rate ... and 86 percent voted in favor of resignation. Myth #12 Single-payer systems are popular with patients. In 2002, seventy-nine percent of Oregon voters rejected a plan to have government officials run a health care system for the state’s 3.5 million residents. Measure 23, touted by supporters as “health care for all Oregon,” attracted just 204,082 votes, 21 percent of the total, while 786,768 voters--79 percent--rejected the plan. Myth #13 Single-payer systems are preferred by “forward-looking” countries. Nobody outside Britain--and apparently the United States--praises the NHS anymore. The country is out of step, clinging to central government control and management of health care while other countries move away from a single-payer model towards some mixture of free enterprise and government health care. Canada, Russia, Sweden, Germany ... and even Britain itself ... are moving toward greater reliance on the free-market. Friday the 13th myths are harmless enough. But single-payer health care? I would just as soon cross paths with a black cat while walking under a ladder. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conrad F. Meier is senior fellow in health policy at The Heartland Institute and managing editor of Health Care News. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For further information, contact Heartland Public Affairs Director Greg Lackner at 312/377-4000, 773/489-6447, email lackner@heartland.org
6 :
People "think" such a health care plan would be a "given". They do not realize that we will be taxed to death. It's not just the socialistic healthcare, it seems more and more politicians are of the socialistic "mindset". This "mindset" is NOT good for our country. Big, Bigger, and Biggest Government does NOT work folks.
7 :
it seems to be working in China,. as long as you buy your poisonous, cheap crap from the great wall-mart of China,.
8 :
I don't believe that such programs are going to work. However, I'm still voting for the Democrats because a "Universal Health Care" program is far less wasteful than that pointless war in Iraq or the planned War to overthrow the government of Iran (all we've done in Iraq is strengthen al-Qaeda and increase how hated we are in the Middle East and it will be even worse if we go into Iran). Obviously, trying to copy Canada or Britain's health care system would be idiotic and Barack Obama is facing attacks from his opponents because his plan would simply make health care affordable to everybody and not force people to be insured or have the government nationalize the health care industry.
9 :
It didnt fail anywhere ! They just dodnt know how to apply it ! When i lived in former Yugoslavia it was perfect before USA destroy it so they can make you believe it failed !
10 :
Socialism IS feasible. Why it wont embrace socialism, even though it can: Because American leaders look at statistics and probably shit their pants. And they're right, judging from raw statistics at least. In America: Health care expenditure as a % of its GDP is 14%. That is a HUGE figure, especially with America's economy being second to none. ( while in the UK it is only 8%) Already America is ponying up 45% of its citizens' medical bills, while the citizens themselves pay 55%. (In the NHS in Britain, they pay up to 82% of its citizens' medical bills, while the citizens themselves only pay 18%) Statistically speaking, America cannot afford to embrace socialism, especially now with the falling dollar. What I'm sure they're missing, is that out of this 14% most of the health care expenditure is due to vanity, in which the govt. doesn't need to cover in the first place! (E.g. plastic surgery, rhinoplasty etc.) America CAN embrace socialism, however, it would reduce the efficacy of medical services. ( Due red-tape and bureaucracy, NHS waiting lists number up to 1.01 million, also the NHS is slow in adopting new medical procedures and delivering up to date technology. Its health care services are one of the worst in the developed world.) My substantive: America can embrace socialism in regards to healthcare, but most Americans wont like it anyway. At least if you're rich ,you wont suffer, but in the NHS, regardless of whether you are rich or poor, you suffer sloppy services and outdated procedures. (unless you're rich enough to cross over to somewhere where your money matters.) Besides, as Darwin would explain it, American culture has evolved in such a way that even the absolutely dirt poor Americans are not left completely defenseless, you could like, be on Oprah or something lol.
11 :
I don't know where you got the idea that national health care doesn't work. I've asked a lot of people from the UK, Australia, Canada, etc., "Should we do the same?". The answer has never been no. Not once. And they don't die waiting for cat scans. They do wait a bit for surgeries and procedures that are not critical. Carpal tunnel surgery would be a good example. But here in the USA we have some getting it a bit quicker and many others not getting it at all. That's not better. And those "socialist" western European societies are not doing so badly. but anyway the reason we need something like socialism is that without it what we have is economic anarchy. A system that does nothing to stop those with capital cannibalizing those without.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Isn't Western Europe proof that Socialism can't work

Isn't Western Europe proof that Socialism can't work?
Why are we moving in that direction when all indications are that it will ultimately bankrupt countries. Isn't insanity doing the same things over and over and expecting different results? I think that the state of California (welfare state), Spain, Greece, Great Britain, etc are exactly the reason we should move away from this way of thinking.
Politics - 13 Answers
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1 :
Don't forget France (the socialist's utopian paradise), their government will hit 100% GDP in 2014.
2 :
We have ample evidence from our own experience that Capitalism doesn't work, either, if you think you have any that Socialism doesn't work. Every system will run into rocky patches.
3 :
There are no socialist countries in europe. There are many many reasons to prove this, but the simplest is the EURO, which would not exist in a socialist system
4 :
supply and demand in terms of the economy it is like a boat when it tips on one side put weight on the other. you kids didn't complain when it was time to tilt to the supply side back in the 80's. Now we need to tip to the demand side. Europe is just in the opposite situation.
5 :
Western europe is proof of many things That people can lose their manhood become unappreciative envious little turds and basically a pain in the butt
6 :
If you want to attack the socialists you have to attack the more successful socialist countries like Norway, Switzerland, and France. These countries have proven that they can compete with us in nearly every area of civilization. They have better education, a good health care system that covers everyone, they aren't nearly as obese, longer life expectancy, less crime, and more social rights.
7 :
There is no socialist western European country. They are all social democracies - like the USA. Did you sleep through the British election? Hint: election = representation = democracy.
8 :
You confuse socialism with a social democracy. And that has worked very well in Western Europe for most of the last 150 years. No even the Iron lady Maggie Thatcher dared dismantle the things the people wanted. Greece (not in Western Europe) is in trouble because it simply refused to pay for the very costly social policies it adopted. But where the policies are properly funded, lots of people grumble about their high taxes, but hardly anyone wants to give up what those taxes pay for.
9 :
It is just the latest example as to why Socialism can't and will never work.
10 :
Absolutely! I mean, look at all the Europeans who are just begging to come here and leave their Socialist hellhole. What's that you say? They're happy with their way of life? Couldn't possibly be the truth. After all, ours is the only possible acceptable way of life, isn't it? Get back to me when you are willing to give up your police department, fire department, public schools, libraries, public highway system, etc. The answer is no.
11 :
Yet California has one of the largest economies of any state in America, and all of those countries you named are successful first world nations with no serious problems to speak of...
12 :
Isn't the current state of America's economy proof that Capitalism ultimately destroys itself? The current problems in Spain, & Portugal is because they tried to follow suite like America and play the "we'll all get rich off of housing" With Greece, they allowed Goldman Sachs come in and install credit default swaps. Funny how you mention countries in trouble because of American "capitalistic" influences. George Bush was handed a 300+ billion budget surplus from Clinton. Bush then hands a 1 trillion dollar budget deficit to Obama. Funny how this simple fact is always overlooked. The rest of the countries are doing fiscally well. Ask yourself why is it that American media fails to point out 80% of the countries in the Euro system are fine? Unfortunately your question is long on rhetoric and short on facts
13 :
And Spain, Greece and Great Britain are worse off economically than the Sudan? Have you ever been to a country that doesn't have taxes, and then visited one with high taxes?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Work without a visa in Europe

Work without a visa in Europe?
How possible is it to work without a work visa in Europe (outside of Great Britain, that is)? I'm talking about any location and any kind of work that doesn't involve prostitution or anything nasty like that..hehe.. I speak four languages and have a masters degree. Waitressing, teaching English, farm work, retail shop work, dishwashing, etc.. Im just looking for short term work to pay the bills and move on to the next country... Anyone done it? Can anyone give me info about this? Thanks! : ) UGH, and PLEASE dont talk to me about the famed "Global Financial Crisis". I am well aware of the "crisis" and that employment is scarce. That is NOT the question. Employment without visas will ALWAYS exist, as long as it is more viable for the employer than legitimately hiring a worker and paying all of the corresponding social payments. So please, no answers about "the crisis", blah blah blah.
Other - Europe - 3 Answers
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1 :
Where are you coming from? I am pretty sure you have to have a work visa or be a citizen of a country in the EU. It may be possible to work part time without a work visa, or if you are a student at the same time.
2 :
Well apparently you don't want to hear the truth then, and only want to hear that it is easy to get an job and that employers are queuing up to hire illegal employees The fact is (at least speaking for Western Europe), they are not queuing up for this. Why would they hire an illegal when (a) in this day and age, hiring of illegals is a hot potato and more people report illegals, and more checks are made, with more fines for the employer (b) "Cheap" labour can be found easily with migration of immigrants (legal ones!) in the EU (c) yes, here it comes, people are willing to settle for less and happy to carry out 'lower' positions in the current economic crisis. I disagree that it is 'more viable for the employer than legitimately hiring a worker'. Before the expansion of the EU then this was indeed the case, but those days have long gone. If you have a masters and speak four languages, then why don't you put this to good use, get a good job in your home country, build up experience and then seek to work under the highly skilled migrant programs, or with an International company who has branch offices in Europe and with whom you can transfer based on knowledge There is also the 'working holiday' visa for nationals such as Australians, Canadians etc - maybe this is a good option (you didn't mention your nationality)
3 :
If you have a Masters degree, you don't need to work without a visa. Many European countries have a "Highly Skilled" worker category. You can get a Tier 1 visa for the UK or a Green Card for Denmark if you have a Masters Degree that would allow you to get any job legally Why would any company risk a €10,000 fine for hiring an illegal American, Canadian, Australian, South African, New Zealander, etc. when they can find someone from an EU country like Romania or Bulgaria willing to work legally for less than half of what you'd expect to be paid. Would you really work for only €2.50-3/hour in a bar or restaurant? Because that's what they are paying in Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy etc. That's why even in Southern Europe, most of the people working in restaurants are from the former Communist bloc, because to them €2.50/hour is more than double what they would make at home. If you don't have connections with bar or restaurant owners, it's almost impossible to find work. I have friends who went to Greece last year thinking they could just find jobs when they got there. But the only job they could find was handing out flyers for a club, and they got paid in free beer, not cash.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Can you work in London if you're an American citizen? Do you have to apply for a permit or something? Thx

Can you work in London if you're an American citizen? Do you have to apply for a permit or something? Thx!
I would like to go there and apply for internships/jobs for this summer and I was just wondering if you needed a visa or permit to work there. Also do you need this permit BEFORE you enter Great Britain or can you obtain it while you're there? Thanks! WOW! Thanks guys!!! :)
London - 3 Answers
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1 :
Unless you have a skill that is desperately needed in this country, you cannot get a job unless it can be proved that the vacancy cannot be filled by someone from the EU...seriously! If you were lucky enough to be offered a job then you would definitely need a work permit... http://www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/
2 :
Unless you hold a European Union or UK passport, you cannot just fly into any country in Europe and interview for jobs. Well, you can, but they won't hire you. Since you are not an EU citizen, they have a duty to "protect" their own citizens where employment is concerned. If you have a highly specialized skill that is in demand, that may be different. As an example, if you wanted to teach English in Europe, the company would have to prove there is no one else in the EU who could do that job, since you would be taking a job away from an EU passport holder. So obviously an English or Irish citizen could do that job as a native speaker, so you would not be needed. If you were willing to work under the table, you could find someone willing to hire you, but be careful that they don't take advantage of you. They will not offer you any benefits and can use the employment against you (if you don't work X hours, they could fire you, etc). You can show up in England and stay for 90 days (If it is the same as mainland Europe) as a tourist and see what happens but be aware it will be hard. A lot of Aussies come to the UK looking for casual work and they can legally live/work there. The laws were more lax in eastern Europe but even that is changing now. Good luck.
3 :
Very difficult for an American citizen to work in the U.K. You need to research the info on the page below. Other articles may offer some help. Good Luck, this won't be easy.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Choose the right word

Choose the right word!?
Choosing the Right Word 1. That sum may seem (inconsequential/vulnerable) to you, but to me it is a great deal of money. 2. By concentrating on personal gain, he has (debased/disconcerted) both himself and the high office to which he was elected. 3. The starving children shown in the TV special looked more like (cadavers/stalwarts) than living creatures. 4. Whenever I go to a concert, I seem to spend half my time shushing the (crass/austere) boors who chitchat while the orchestra is playing. 5. As (restitution/infraction) for the damage he had caused to the family car, Phil promised to clean and polish it regularly for a full year. 6. Since my next paycheck was not to be had until the first of the month, I reconciled myself to living (austerely/inconsequentially) until then. 7. The woman is known and loved throughout the community for her many (redoubtable/ beneficent) acts on behalf of all types of unfortunates. 8. The principal (disconcerted/reproved) the entire student body for their discourteous behavior toward the guest speaker at the school assembly. 9. His (grandiose/beneficent) schemes for world conquest collapsed in a nightmare of military defeat and internal revolt. 10. In her clumsy efforts to be recognized as an “intellectual,” she (prates/desecrates) endlessly about matters she does not really understand. 11. All the power of Great Britain could not shake the American colonists in their (stalwart/ beneficent) opposition to measures that they considered unfair and tyrannical. 12. She is such a (redoubtable/crass) foe of the trite phrase that her students tremble lest her wrath descend on them for using a cliché. 13. The sale of so many great works of art to foreign collectors is, in my eye, little more than (pillage/mitigation) of our cultural heritage. 14. The master chef has (debased/concocted) a dessert that is so rich that it will be a menace to weight watchers throughout the country. 15. He is so (punctilious/austere) about every detail that it is said he irons his shoelaces before wearing them. 16. Her self-confidence is so unshakeable that she is simply not (grandiose/vulnerable) to “put-down” remarks that would annoy other people. 17. The fact that he did everything possible to help the poor child after the accident tends to (mitigate/desecrate) his responsibility for the tragedy. 18. It is a (desecration/restitution) of the memory of Lincoln to involve his name in defense of such racist policy. 19. Although his conduct may not have violated any law, I consider it a gross (cadaver/ infraction) of conventional ethical standards. 20. The conductor of the orchestra was so (desecrated/disconcerted) by the noisy audience that he stopped the performance and asked for quiet.
Words & Wordplay - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
1. inconsequential 2. debased 3. cadavers 4. crass 5. restitution 6. austerely 7. beneficent 8. reproved 9. grandiose 10. prates 11. stalwart 12. redoubtable 13. pillage 14. concocted 15. punctilious 16. vulnerable 17. mitigate 18. desecration 19. infraction 20. disconcerted
2 :
1. inconsequential. 2.disconcerted. 3.cadaver 4. crass. 5. infraction. 6.austerely 7. beficient 8.reproved. 9.grandiose 10.prates 11. stalwart? 12. redoubtable 13.pillage 14.concocted 15. austere. 16. vulnerable 17.mitigate 18.desecration 19.infraction 20..disconcerted.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What is the difference between United Kingdom and Great Britain

What is the difference between United Kingdom and Great Britain?
Could somebody finally explain to me the difference between United Kingdom, Great Britain and the British Isles. Im sure I have known in the past as I am British but Im working in South Africa and people get confused when I say I am from Scotland but also Britain and also UK. Then I just confuse myself. I am quite embarrased asking this as I should know! I agree mindflux, people think Scotland is in England....thats the number one way to wind a Scotsman up!! I made the mistake a couple of weeks ago filling out a entry form at the border with Botswana. I put country of birth: Scotland, Nationality: British and my passport has United Kingdom (UK) on the front. This created confusion all round. In future I will put UK for all three.
Geography - 5 Answers
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1 :
The United Kingdom is England, Scotland & Wales - Great Britain also includes Northern Ireland
2 :
There isn't a difference between United Kingdom and Great Britain, they are the same thing. The british isles are the islands of Britain (like isle of man etc.) Essentially they all mean the same thing.
3 :
The difference between Scotland, Great Britain, UK, and the British Isles. Scotland is a country on the island of Great Britian which it shares with two other countries, Wales and England. These three countries join up with a fourth country, Northern Ireland, to form the political entity of the UK. This is like the EU. Some countries are part of it, but they are still seperate countries. The British Isles contain the Republic of Ireland because they are on the same island region. To summarize... SCOTLAND IS COUNTRY GREAT BRITAIN IS ISLAND, UK IS GROUP LIKE EU.
4 :
Assuming you're a U.K. passport holder, all you have to remember is what it says on the passport. 'The United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.' Bear in mind that Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales and there you have it.
5 :
Scotland = country Great Britain = island. Great Britain home to Scotland, England and Wales. United Kingdom = a union of countries. That being Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. People (Americans) think Britain = England. So I say I am from Scotland as do most.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Do I study in America or Great Britain(read more!)

Do I study in America or Great Britain(
Okay, So i'm in my last year at high school and i'm going to go on to a sixth form/sixth form college but as I want to study in America i've been thinking about university. I'm a british citizen and I want to study forensic science or something within legal stuff, but NOT a lawyer. I know America have like Yale,Havard,Browns etc all the ivy league universities I've also been looking at boston,ohio and virginia. I also thought I could study at University of California? Whereas Britain has Cambridge,Oxford etc.. My mum said America is MUCH more expensive and we can't afford it, she's a single middle class parent who works her butt off to give me what i need/want. My dad wants me to achieve with my dreams but he to agrees with my mum. Would I be able to get financial help from britain if i was to study in the usa? Or would I have to find independent loans/grants etc.. Also which universities in either America or Great Britain have the best courses for Forensic Science and what undergraduate course would you suggest to go on to do forensic science? Any help appreciated!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
man u r lucky u r Britain citizen study in Britain man i wish i could study in Britain

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Need some advice for going to Great Britain

Need some advice for going to Great Britain?
I am a citisen of the USA, and I do not like living here. My partner and I are in our final year in high school, after this year he should be transferring to university in Great Britain. However, he is already a citisen of the Europen Union, so his move is easier. At any rate, I have good grades and I'm a hard worker, so how do I ensure I can get into a college in Great Britain? And is there financial aid for foreigners like me? I'm not sure how all this college business works in the UK...any help is appreciated. I do not plan on coming back to United States, he and I play on staying in the UK and living there. :) Thanks in advance.
Other - United Kingdom - 3 Answers
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1 :
Interviews to get into a college are 75% attitude 25% grades. It's more of how you present yourself, so I'd recommend a smart look. There is services for foreigners, both to guide and support you ALL THE WAY :)
2 :
The University fees in UK will be big, but they are also big in the USA too. You are unlikely to get any financial aid for your fees. You may find that the UK is not as different from the US as you imagine, try to work out what part of your life it is that you do not enjoy right now, and ask yourself why and how that would change.
3 :
Hi if you are going to study in university than a prior application should be made to ensure a place is reserved. More details can be found with a service called Immigrate to U.k where they provide advice, airport to accomendation travel, accomendation set-up and anything else required for a small fee. You could contact them on immigrateadvice@hotmail.co.uk or facebook immigrate to uk

Thursday, October 14, 2010

how does the healthcare system work in these countries

how does the healthcare system work in these countries?
canada, great britain and france unlike the US? im doin a paper on the healthcare systems in these countries
Government - 1 Answers
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1 :
You will need much more info than the rhetoric on this site. Frontline had a biased program last night, but watch it and then make sure you find the answers to the hundreds of questions they left unanswered.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Am I allowed to live and stay in the USA to work after going to school here on a education visa

Am I allowed to live and stay in the USA to work after going to school here on a education visa?
I am from Great Britain and want to try to get a job here. Is it complicated and impossible...any answers are much appreciated
Immigration - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you get a work visa you are allowed to do so. Start applying around, since you will have to have an employer sponsor you.
2 :
only if you are officially sponsored by some employer who filed the proper paperwork with USCIS. Most university grads apply for H1b skilled worker visa status. Once that was approved, you could apply to change status and remain. If you were out of status on your F-1 visa though, you'd have to leave the US to apply for the proper visa outside of the US to return and work. If you remain in the US out of status for more than 6 months, you will be ineligible for any visa for at least 3 years, so keep track of time.
3 :
Good luck. The unemployment rate is astronomical and the jobs that would be available are being stolen by the illegals. This country's a mess with a mess of a president. Are you sure you want to stay here?
4 :
No. If you overstay your education visa you are considered illegal. You must apply and qualify for a work visa. A lot of times your employer can petition for you, but it tends to a bit difficult. You have to prove that you are unique in your skills and aren't taking a job from a qualified citizen who also wants the job. Really, keep track of time. If you file even one day too early you can and legally should be denied and have to refile (pay again). Sometimes you may get an officer who won't care, but they are supposed to 100% accurate. It sucks if you file to early!
5 :
A student visa is a non immigrant visa .. you do the course and then leave ... if your really smart you may get offered a job ... but this is fairly rare

Friday, October 1, 2010

University tutiton fees in Great Britain

University tutiton fees in Great Britain?
I've been searching for some universities abroad to study at and found that going to GB is way more convenient for me than going to north america since I could actually work there due to my belonging to the EU. :) However, the tutiton fees on, for example, Roehampton University are 3,375£ per year. This is two semesters, right? (yes, of course..) If I would stay there three years and study criminology - would I then have to pay this amount of money three times or would the costs increase/ decrease? and, just to make sure.. would I get a MA or BA degree? 'cause I want to get the BA but can't find anything specific.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
Tuition is subject to change. So one year you could pay that and the next you could pay more. You would get the BA degree. To get a MA would be 4 years (3 years +1)
2 :
Tuition fees have gone up every year since I started looking at them (I'm paying £3290 this year for example). So you'd have to pay slightly more each year. Unfortunately the laws regarding student fees have changed recently, meaning as of 2012/13 the fees cap will be raised to £9000 a year. Universities can charge what they like up to that value, but do have to pay a penalty for charging more than £7000 a year. I believe some Universities in the USA still charge a lot more than that though. A three-year course would give you a BA, yes.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Finally Great Britain is on God's path

Finally Great Britain is on God's path?
A Muslim member of the British parliament declared that in 30 years or so, the parliament will be totally Islamic and that the sharia law will prevail. English women will have to cover their bodies with a burga or any other appropriate attire; all pubs will close (that is no alcohol of any kind will be served); all work of art that show the naked body of a man or a woman will be destroyed; all statues in museums that show their nakedness will be destroyed; most of the books will be set on fire to cleanse the British mind; homosexuals will be prosecuted to cleanse the ailing British society; women will become obedient to man's desires and wishes ....... etc.....etc.....etc. God bless the Queen as the saying goes!!!!!! Many asked me to give them the source of my message, regrettably I deleted the video...BUT... please go to: "Le parlement anglais deviendra completement musulman: Shahid Malik" The video is in English and will give a taste of the Muslim invasion of England. God bless stupidity!!! This is for Miss GEMBIRD. Thank you for educating that the word British does not necessarily refer to English people, that I know, but it is common to call England "Britain". Please listen to the speech of your minister Sahid Malik (see first set of details and open the video). "God Save the Queen" is not current any longer, "God Bless the Queen" is said instead (she is being blessed by the Muslims for allowing the Law of Sharia to slowly creep into her palace).
Religion & Spirituality - 19 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes, that sounds like real progress to me.
2 :
3 :
Can you either post a link or just admit that you are lying?
4 :
What is your source for this "quote"?
5 :
Muslims in charge...welcome back to the dark ages
6 :
if you're not trolling just for the sake of being inflammatory (which i would hate to think is what a good muslim would do) post some links so that your outlandish claims can be verified. oh, wait a minute.... this name rings a bell. are we talking about the shahid malik who was in the headlines for fiddling his expenses claims?
7 :
who said it? have any sources? this sounds like bollocks
8 :
should we tell it to move out of the way? (or would that be disrespectful towards the idea of 'greatness'?)
9 :
I'd rather nuke all our major cities than put up with Islamist or Communist rule.
10 :
its too good to be true.
11 :
Gods I hope this is a prank! Or else Britain's in some serious brain trouble.
12 :
What was the name of the muslim member of the British parliament?
13 :
Sounds about right from what I know of Islam.
14 :
I don't think that scenario will be successfully applied to Ireland. They perfected spilling each other's blood in God's name back when the only well known Muslim was Malcom X. I think I'd like to see you attempt to cane a sturdy Scotswoman for some real or imagined affront to Allah. There's a strong possibility it would be inserted in the rectum of the caner. When the Jihads decide to get serious with GB, there may just be enough of the WW II spirit left in England to make it the bloodiest mistake made in history since the Wehrmacht's holiday tour of Stalingrad. What is your point agitating the British with your nonsense? You're fomenting hatred, the very reason NO RELIGION may be taken seriously, particularly Islam, the call to prayer of bloodletters.
15 :
Bestiality will be legal, that will make muslim men happy.
16 :
Am I the only person who isn't a Muslim who is looking forward to this?
17 :
Blah, blah, blah. Get a life, will ya?
18 :
And the population in Britain will be 145.
19 :
You're talking bollocks. I can tell. Here are my reasons: 1. You mix up English and British. They're different things. 2. The saying is 'God save the Queen' not 'God bless the Queen'. 3. Which Muslim MP was this? I'm not going to believe you until you can link to an article about this or name the MP. There's no sign of this stuff on the BBC, that's for sure. 4. Burga? Seriously? Come on. 5. There's no chance of Islam taking over in Britain anyway. Muslims make up less than 5% of the population, and most of those people, along with everyone else, quite like this whole secular democracy thing. There would have been a lot of outrage if a politician had said Sharia law was on its way. Come on mate, you can't fool us. Some of us live in Britain, we know when you tell lies about it. Re: your additional details aimed at me... Shahid Malik has been getting himself in trouble for some time now and is no longer an MP because he keeps making a fool of himself. His views are not mainstream and so they are not a good representation of what should or will happen in the UK. Calling England Britain is only common in areas where people are not educated enough to realise that Britain includes England but that they are not the same thing. If you really did know the difference you wouldn't have said it in the first place. And it IS God save the Queen, I don't know where you got that 'God bless' thing from.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What sort of procedures do they need to live and work in US

What sort of procedures do they need to live and work in US?
i have this japanese friend who has british boyfriend and they're both living in japan right now. my friend is pure japanese born and raised in japan, and her boyfriend came to japan to teach english from great britain. they are in serious relationship and hoping to get married in the future but not too soon. her boyfriend is moving to US soon due to him starting a company and he wants to acquire permanent residency status there. my friend wants to go to US with him because not only she loves him but she also always had this dream of living in US. i suggested them to get married first, but they want to hold it until his company stabilize. since this is about japanese citizen and british citizen wanting to live and work in US, i don't know where to start the search. i really want to help them out cuz they're both my good friends :-) what sort of procedures are required for them???
Immigration - 2 Answers
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1 :
Basically any one can be eligible as long as they aren't criminals, they're healthy, etc. Everything you need here: US Citizenship and Immigrations Services Link Below
2 :
He can't bring here there if they are not married. They should marry and then apply for a visa. If he were a US citizen or at least a permanent resident, he could have brought her on a fiancee visa, but still would have had to marry her in 90 days. There is no other way. He can't have his cake and eat it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Do you need a visa to be able to work in Wales, if you are eu-citizen

Do you need a visa to be able to work in Wales, if you are eu-citizen.?
I am from Bulgaria and request this information on behalf of a friend of mine. My question is, is it legally possible to move to Wales without a student visa or something of this sort? I mean to move permanently,or for a long period of time, will it be possible to move and find a job. I know that this is not the case as to Great Britain, and i am interested if it is the same in Wales as part of UK. Thanks in advance, Veronika
Immigration - 3 Answers
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1 :
You can now get cash and other services from Visa automated teller machines (ATMs) in more than 170 countries. The Visa global ATM network encompasses Plus, Visa's global mark for ATMs. Visa/Plus ATMs provide cash access to funds, generally 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To use the ATM Locator, just use the pull-down menu to select the country and city where you need to find a cash machine.
2 :
Same regulations apply to Wales as to England.
3 :
If you are from the European Union you are allowed to go without visa, stay as long as you want and work there. :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Did Great Britain not qualify for the olympics this time

Did Great Britain not qualify for the olympics this time?
I really have no idea how soccer works in the olympics.
Other - Soccer - 2 Answers
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1 :
Great Britain do not compete in Olympics football, for some confusing political reason.
2 :
There has never been a GB team as the various home Football Associations are scared that they will lose their individual status in other competitions. The English are trying to get a GB team for the London Olympics, but after listening to the chairman of the Scottish FA on Five Live radio last week I doubt very much if this will happen.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

compare 3 key areas of reforms of the 1800s in Great Britain to the same areas of reform in the United States

compare 3 key areas of reforms of the 1800s in Great Britain to the same areas of reform in the United States?
(political \ election, suffrage, slavery, working conditions, moral) i dont need a whole answer or anything like that just some info to base a paragraph off of k thanks
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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1 :
YOU compare 3 key areas. I did my homework and I graduated.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

please helpi need help with my history home work help me answer the questions

please helpi need help with my history home work help me answer the questions?
1.declared americas "friendly and impartial" conduct toward warring powers 2.restored peace between the united states and great britain 3.african american enslaved person who was a valuable member of the expedition to the pacific ocean 4.legalized form of kiddnapping sailors 5.power to decide wether or not laws passed by congress were constitutional 6.the supreme court decisionin "marbury v. madison" help to establish 7.marbury v. madison established the principle of? 8.the part of the country most opposed to the war of 1812 was? 9.by the terms of the treaty of ghent 10.in dealing with the national debt, "hamilton proposed" that.... 11.by the "terms" of the treaty of ghent
History - 1 Answers
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1 :
There are11 questions you expect someone to answer for you. My question to you is what have you been doing instead of studying and doing your own work. How can someone learn if they expect someone else to do it for them. gatita_63109

Saturday, August 7, 2010

is it true that in GREAT BRITAIN

is it true that in GREAT BRITAIN..........?
you can work as a stripper at sixteen? please tell me i heard wrong cause that would be so disturbing.
Polls & Surveys - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Those damn Brits.
2 :
3 :
No, you have to be 18 years of age to work within the sex industry. In the UK the legal age to enter a strip club is also 18, whether the establishment serves alcohol or not, as 18 is also the UK drinking age.
4 :
Haaa..!!! You can until you get busted for being under age.
5 :
nope!!!!! and dont diss britan thanks!
6 :
Legally it's 18

Sunday, August 1, 2010

describe great britain/englands history in three words

describe great britain/englands history in three words...?
im working on a paper and need three words to describe great britains history. thanks!
History - 15 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
single political entity
2 :
Help us America.
3 :
empire, war, mercantilism
4 :
Cleese, Feldman and Blair
5 :
Really Fucked Up
6 :
very bad teeth old, stale, divided Roman, Norman, Saxon
7 :
Touchstone of Western Civilization. (if if doesn't count) Engine of Civilization. Exciting, invigorating, enlightening (England). Totally Awesomelly amazing (nah that's just silly). Peace
8 :
conquered practical imperialistic
9 :
Prim , proper and pompous
10 :
Large maritime empire
11 :
12 :
Celts Saxons Angles
13 :
Steam -- Industrial revolution Tea -- Empire Money -- Post-industrial economy
14 :
Cradle of Modern history
15 :
Imperialistic Commerce Determined

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Constitution Or Sharia law

Constitution Or Sharia law ?
What is your choice? September 24, 2008 US Congressman: "There is no way that the Constitution of the United States and Sharia law can co-exist" Anti-Dhimmi Alert. More on this story. "Does U.S. need legal protection from Jihad?" by Chad Groening for OneNewsNow, September 24: A Colorado Congressman has introduced legislation that would deny U.S. visas to advocates of so-called Sharia law, as well as expel Islamists already in the country. Republican Tom Tancredo calls his bill the Jihad Protection Act. He has introduced the measure amid disturbing revelations that the verdicts of Islamic Sharia courts are now legally binding in the United Kingdom. The legislation, according to Tancredo, is designed to protect the United States from a similar fate. "There are situations where we really have to look at whether or not our system can accommodate everybody, including people who are determined to overthrow us. There is no way that the Constitution of the United States and Sharia law can co-exist," Tancredo contends. "You cannot have one class of citizens -- in this case, women, for instance -- being able to be abused, battered, killed, because someone has written that that's the right way to do it in their particular religious system, and then expect the Constitution of the United States to protect everyone else's civil rights. It just simply doesn't work." Tancredo says Great Britain and much of Western Europe has succumbed to the pressure for multi-culturalism, which the United States must avoid. http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/022834.php
Politics - 1 Answers
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1 :
Constitution. Sharia law is inconsolable with the values of enlightenment our Western societies are built on. However Tom Tancredo and other American right wing loudmouths who like to portray Europe like he does should explain to his voters and other Americans why "racial profiling" is only an issue in the states and gets practiced without problem all throughout "socialist" Europe. Eventhough Europe is far left as far as they are concerned, political correctness doesn't stop anyone from following common sense and demanding Muslim citizens follow the law. Tom Tancredo clearly doesn't know enough about Europe.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why doesn't America want Universal Healthcare

Why doesn't America want Universal Healthcare?
After all, it seems to work all right in great Britain, right? I learned that they have a cashier, but that is to REFUND people if they had to pay for a ride to the hospital! They pay nothing at all! They don't pay health-care, but pay taxes, just like us. Even Cuba treats people better than America. And Guantanamo Bay, the prison with huge terrorists directly related to 9/11? Great health-care. Fantastic, actually. Hospitals are denying care to needing patients! Is it all about the money? Why doesn't America want this???
Government - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no everyone pays a 40% tax there....And people are dying on the waiting list there ...... Obama's health care plan is not Universal Healthcare it is Government sold insurance..Cost about $50 less a month and really only the middle class can afford it..This will not only put business out of business but also create job lose in the private sector because there business will not be able to compete with the rates the Government will be selling...All for 50 a month in savings...I would rather have the jobs...I don't think people can afford this health care at 200 a month either...
2 :
Dude you need to talk to the people in Britain and Canada....it doesn't work and they aren't pleased! Cost is high and the wait long!
3 :
America, like Barack wants affordable health care, but the republicans are giving the Democrats a hard time.
4 :
If we didn't treat 13 million illegal immigrants for free, this would not even be an issue.
5 :
Most people want Universal single payer Health care, but the HMO's and insurance companies have bribed all the politicians so it will never happen until we vote out all the corrupt politicians.
6 :
We already have it. I choose not to go to free clinics now; why would I want to be forced to? Stop watching Michael Moore opinion pieces, and actually try those health care systems on your own. Then you can tell me how awesome they are.
7 :
The people who are against universal health care are the same people who think that Bank of America, Citibank, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, GM, Chrysler, and Wells Fargo did a good job of managing their corporations. Go figure.
8 :
You need to learn more about Britain's health care. And why doesn't America want it? With our government, that can't protect a 1500 mile border, can't police the streets, and can't deliver the mail? You want me to trust THEM with MY health care? Novel Zephyr apparently doesn't understand that life expectancy has little to do with health care and a lot to do with lifestyle.
9 :
Most Americans want universal healthcare. The only people who don't are people who make money off the current broken system such as for profit hospitals, big pharma, and the health insurance industry. They pay big bucks to mount a negative propaganda blitz every time this solution is mentioned. When Hillary Clinton tried to get this through Congress during her husband's first term, the health profiteers spent big bucks to smear it and her.
10 :
Michael Moore is a communist and his movie Sicko, which you are obviously referring to, is nothing but propaganda trash. America doesn't want Universal Health Care because it would lower the quality of care, lower medical advancements and put the government in even MORE control of our lives. Americans are not communists.
11 :
Because health care will get worse. Health care is not working in Great Britian now. Nor is it working in Canada. They have inferior health care. I have a cousin in Canada that was told he would have to wait 30 days for a triple by-pass surgery. Can you see that happening here? A lot of people suffer and die waiting for proper care in socialized medicine. It just does not work. Old people don't get proper care because there are too many people waiting for care and they are considered a burden on society. Are you ready to throw your Grandma under the bus? You are delusional in your thinking if you believe socialize medicine is better than what the US now has. All we need to do is force insurance companies to lower their rates and accept all pre-existing conditions. By the way, it is illegal for a hospital to deny care to a patient who needs it. You must be foreign.
12 :
There are people who make a ton of money from us not having it they pay fox & other right wing media to make it sound like it would be terrible. We actually spend the money anyway it would just give people less stress & this businesses that sell drugs & make money from people not doing well are behind it. I actually didn't have insurance & found a nice place to go to. They helped me so much I was able to get a job & health insurance. I missed the socialized care I got & the doctors I went to only wrote me presciptions & took my money. I ended up giving up my job & going back to the place where I went originally cause the care I got was so good. Many places around the world have Universal healthcare or whatever it is called & they function better than the people in the USA. It is all about the greedy people in this country.
13 :
Universal Health Care has benefits for some people but for the vast majority of people it would mean less health care and less control of personal health care. Hospitals in the US can not by law deny health care to serious or critical patients. Many people without insurance use the local emergency room for minor doctor visits instead of using clinics or physicians because the hospital can not refuse treatment. These people don't pay anything and it raises the cost of health care for everyone else. In Britain, health care is "free" at the time of service but is paid for through higher taxes and loss of control of health care. Many countries with government paid health care refuse to allow surgeries or other procedures at the end of a fiscal year because they run out of money for health care. Many of them also use age as a factor for determining who will receive health care. If you are old, you are more likely to be denied because of their idea of cost-benefit analysis. Most Americans don't want the government determining what health care they will be allowed to receive. The ones that favor it are those that benefit because they don't pay for health care now and those that believe the inflated statistics of the uninsured. EDIT: One thing that people never consider when complaining about high prices of pharmaceuticals and health care in the US is that the vast majority of medical advances come from the US. These advances in medicine and drugs are possible because those "profits" are used for research. Can you name one new medicine that came from Cuba or Britain either? The private health care system forces companies to make advances in medicine. Public health care's main priority is to treat people with as little cost as possible. EDIT: The only reason many Americans want universal health care is that they think it will be "free". They don't understand the real "cost" involved.
14 :
Americans DO want universal healthcare. Insurance companies are spending billions to bribe legislators to keep the status quo because that's how the companies make money.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How does the government work in England

How does the government work in England?
I've been paying attention to the recent elections in Great Britain recently and it's interested to me how they do things a little differently. I've known that the Monarch is largely ceremonial and considered a head of state. The Prime Minister position has me most confused. David Cameron is likely to be the next Prime Minister of Great Britain, and the new head of government. I think I am confused, because there is no official election for Prime Minister of Great Britain. Mr. Cameron is leader of the party with the most legislative seats. So...is the Prime Minister of Great Britain similar to our Speaker of the House. The Speaker was not elected by the people as Speaker, but because her party has the most legislative seats they (the legislators) elected her Speaker (just as I am assuming Cameron will be elected by the legislators in England). Am I correct? I know that the President is elected by the electoral college. I'm wondering if the Prime Minister is elected by the British Parliament, which I guess is similar to our system, because the electoral college is basically the Congress.
Government - 1 Answers
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1 :
Once a Prime Minister is selected, they serve until they resign or a vote of no confidence hits the floor. Then elections begin, England is a multi-party system (more than 2 parties) so their isn't always a majority. The majority winners of elections get together and compromise on a leader. Technically, in the US, the president is NOT selected by voters. A political party is selected by voters and each state seats electors delegated to vote on behalf of that party. Electors are not required to vote for the person they pledged to vote for. It is the electoral college that actually casts the votes for president, the popular votes chooses who the electors are. I know it says "Obama" or "McCain" on the ballot, but you are technically voting for Democrats or Republicans when you vote in the US.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Exchanging US dollars to Great Britain Pounds

Exchanging US dollars to Great Britain Pounds...?
My friend is going on a trip to London and I asked if she would exchange some money for me so I could have it as a souvenir. What is a good amount to give her? I'm not going to give her a lot of money, I was thinking probably just a couple of dollars, but what would that get me? Like the dollar breaks down into quarters and dimes etc, but how does the currency in London work?
London - 1 Answers
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1 :
in coins we have £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p and 1p ... that adds up to £3.88 which converts to $6.19 at today's rates after that there are £5, £10, £20 and £50 notes but I think that is larger than your budget

Monday, June 21, 2010

How Would You Work Out This Maths Problem

How Would You Work Out This Maths Problem?
In 1933 the population of Great Britain was 4.5x10 (with a little 7 at the top right hand) Calculate the percentage increase in the population of Great Britain from 1933 to 2003
Mathematics - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The problem is not complete
2 :
how much did the population increase from 1933 to 2003??so do you have to just multiply the the population times the years or something

Monday, June 14, 2010

Would like a like job some place warm in Europe, I am from Great.Britain, male 22, Would do any job

Would like a like job some place warm in Europe, I am from Great.Britain, male 22, Would do any job,,,?
Need free accomidation and a wage, I enjoy hard work. Any ideas, advise Welcome
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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1 :
a club rep sounds like the job for you, as long as you like a party atmosphere, confident, out going etc. You would probably get free/cheap accomadation. You could work in greece, spain etc.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Does Great Britain/England have a separation of Church and State

Does Great Britain/England have a separation of Church and State?
In America we have to worry about offending every other religion, hense many people choose to say "Happy Holidays" and all work places have rules against having "Christmas" parties and other religious events. Is it that way in England? Do businesses have Christmas Parties, and give days off for Christian holidays? Specifically Christian, here we "have off for the hollidays" which is basically Christmas, even though the ACLU nut bags are hard at work stealing that from us too.
Religion & Spirituality - 4 Answers
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1 :
I do believe England is a Catholic state, that is what is meant by separation of church and state, the government can't mandate everyone go to a particular denomination.
2 :
No, the Queen is the head of the Anglican Church. Although ironically, religion in government is less of an issue in the UK.
3 :
No, and they are quite secular. And stop being so arrogant. There are a ton of winter holidays in November and December. The world doesn't revolve around your beliefs and likes. And, by the way, the ACLU is all about protecting people's constitutional rights *including* their freedom of religion. http://www.aclu.org/religion/gen/27282res20061103.html
4 :
Yes, Monsuieur! It was established by Henry Vlll, to allow him to marry many women, at seperate times, inside a church, thus he created his own church. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How should I go about attending a school in Great Britain

How should I go about attending a school in Great Britain?
I really want to attend a school in Great Britain but I have a few questions. I have scoured over the internet but it is really hard to find the information I want.These are my questions: 1. Is there financial aids for Americans? (In the US we have aid for foreigners) 2. Health care. Our health care systems are completely different. How would that work? 3. Student loans? 4. How would grades translate? I have pretty good grades by American standards. (Almost a 4.0) Would I even stand a chance at admissions? (by the time I finish high school I may have over a 4.0 because of all the advanced classes)
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
Contact the school and ask them directly./

Friday, May 21, 2010

why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain rather than in other European nations or the Americas

why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain rather than in other European nations or the Americas?
a. in additon to resources & technology, Britain had the right economic, political, & social conditions. b. Britain had the largest population & the greatest availability of working-age men. c. other nations did not have ready access to a large number of ports & waterways. d. European nations provided Britain with funding for many of its technological advancements.
History - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think, of the four choices listed, "A" is the best
2 :
I think more than one of those is right, if not all of them. As for why it started in Britain instead of America, America was still a developing country. It was working to develop its government and such. It wasn't ready to start an Industrial Revolution.
3 :
its a
4 :
i would choose A Historians such as Kenneth Pomeranz, R Bin Wong and Andre Gunder Frank support the theory that Britain industrialised first primarily because of the location of coal (e.g. resources) and innovation (new technolgy) B is incorrect and Britain didnt have the largest population C is incorrect as countries like China or India had access to seas and used the flow of water to transport materials/products D ... i havent really heard of any countries providing Britain with funding. it would seem unlikely as most of the countries were competing with each other for supremacy etc but im not to sure

Friday, May 14, 2010

describe the rigid class system in 19th century Great Britain

describe the rigid class system in 19th century Great Britain?
i really dont have that much information, and i need it by tomorrow as a pre-introduction to our novel in english. so far i have the: upper class, the middle class, the working class and the under class...
Homework Help - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
nothing like a little planning, go to wikipedia.com, that should help
2 :
Basically, there were peasants tradesmen Ancient families like mine, going back 940 years. We needed the tradesmen to sell things to peasants to keep them working in the fields and factories, so they could tug their forelocks as we rode past. If they stole something, we got pissed off and sent them to Australia (Van Diemens Land). We owned all the land and kept them in poverty, encouraging them to breed so we had more workers. Doesn't this start to sound like the catholic church????

Friday, May 7, 2010

how can i work towards my greatest ambition in life which is to live in a ranch house with a loving partner in

how can i work towards my greatest ambition in life which is to live in a ranch house with a loving partner in
the southern u.s? how can i achieve this with the difficult circumstances im in in life? im 30 years old had a traumatic life and psychological problems since 15.......i now have borderline personality disorder and waiting for psychotherapy....ive never worked because of my condition and have no work experience or qualifications..... iam french with native heritage also. ive lived in britain since two....but my number 1 ambition is to leave the uk, emigrate and build a new life...find a loving partner. i dont want to stay in britain, but i realise i have to work on my mental/psychological problems first, before i can leave... i really would love to eventually live in a ranch house, in the country in rural southern u.s with a loving partner as my ultimate dream eventually...completley build a new life, wipe slate clean.... how can i achieve this? iam serious. if for some reason i couldnt get in the us because its to difficult, where could i emigrate to? prefablly a hot climate i live in a one bedroom apartment on welfare feeling very lonely, worrying about these gols and ambitions and how im gonna achieve them..as i wait for therapy....ive never had a girlfriend or made any friends in life......this particular goal.....im desperate to achieve...i wont accept that its just a dream and to let it go......i do not..i repeat, do not want to stay in britain
Psychology - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
take a job there
2 :
Just 2 words : Perseverance and action :) when you feel like giving up and discouraged, remember Thomas Edison's light bulb.
3 :
those are wonderful things that you have planned for yourself and the best way to achieve those is to start with yourself. forget those traumatic experiences for they're in the past. instead, dwell on the present and the future. work hard on those goals and live your life you see fit. but the most important thing is be "happy". you can do it. believe in yourself.
4 :
ranches in the southern states are VERY expensive..as is healthcare since it's not free..so it would force you to get a job, very soon if you want to save up. Right now the US is difficult to get into..but maybe not so much if you are from the UK...why not stay in Europe? switzerland seems beautiful and friendly. and being bilingual would be a great benefit for you for getting a job. If you move to Canada (victoria, BC is beautiful and warm basically all year) getting a job in several places may be easy since french is widely spoken here.
5 :
What is wrong with a job in a factory with a loving partner. Life is what you make it and where. Dreams sometimes have to be changed, it is never pretty but what a trip!!!
6 :
Try season job in Morocco or Portugal next summer for start.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

could Great Britain become a superpower again because we are not hated like USA (America).

could Great Britain become a superpower again because we are not hated like USA (America).?
Im sick of kissing America's a.s.s how do you think Britain can become a superpower and rich again. I think the size of Russia,Usa,China etc and there population help, at 1 time in history Britain was cantrolling 40% of the worlds population, i am shocked we do not have superpower status still it is a disgreace.I think what will, help us is if we start producing are own goods again before Britain was the biggest exporter in the world and also had the most factories in the world,i think we also need a rapid increase in miltary personnel i think we need to be like Russia and Usa and be forceful in recruiting soilders more miltary schools academies etc. like the way we used to patrol the oceans of the world and enforce power i could go on forever but i will try and stop i do not think china will make it as a superpwer 1. They are communist.2.In the background America the CIA is destroying there rageme and the CIA have been responsible for many of the coups and overthrowings of heads of states, and could i just state that Russia is not a superpwer search superpower in google and it saids the only country that can actually call themselves a superpower is America and judging a superpower is not judged on nuclear weapons and miltary sizes alone for those of you who do not know Russia has a larger nuclear arsenal than America but America has a larger miltary and it is not likly if any of these the biggest nuclear stockpilers in the world go to war as enemies not likley the will use nuclear arsenals because they all know that both have powerful nuclear wepons and 1 nuclear weapon can do enough damage so quantity does not matte quality does and if they go to war they both know 1 gets nuked both gets nuked than America has war with the worl as Russia is close to Asia and Europe so it would not be smart to nuke them and if they go to war Nato will say F.*U.* C.*k that we are not fighting Russia tha America against the warsaw pact.I also think if the commonwealth started to work more together, we could acheive superpower status easily we have the population in various countries Canada is the second largest country in the world, and Australlia is having more and more immigrants flocking in to work extremeley hard it has the highest number in the world for the population increase,and europe in a whole has higher GDP than america people were saying Europe should enter the G8 G20 etc as one unit do you agree and are EU economy accounts for 31% of the world GDP and rermeber Russia is not part of the EU how do you think we can get Great Britain to be great again.Britain also has a higher GDP than Russia. The Russians are in tons of debt that dates back to the soviet union and jus about 10 year ago halve of Russia's population were living below the poverty line and a large proportion still is, and China is the definition of poverty because there population size is there downfall same as India really but i think India have a chance but will end up going to war with someone in asia i just have a feeling.
Government - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We have the potential to become a focal point for a grand alliance, perhaps even the leaders of such an alliance. But superpower? no.
2 :
Great Britain was only a superpower when it brutally oppressed a majority of the known world. You guys did quite a number on Africa and India, I can assure you that you were far less popular with the world than America ever was. Hell, Stalinist Russia and Imperial Japan were more humane. If you want to be a superpower, you could start by having a diverse economy based on technological achievement rather than playing banker to Europe and the Middle East and importing German, Japanese, and American technology. It would also be good take strong, proactive leadership on international affairs, rather than oscillating back and forth between following poorly thought out American plans and complete inaction like the rest of continental Europe. Just a thought.
3 :
Hahaha nice wall of text you fucking poof. No punctuation or capitalization either. No, you couldn't, becsue we have more nukes. You have tea and crumpents 'n shit. Bad teeth also. SEIG HEIL!
4 :
Yeah dude it is the love that makes you great. if you did not kiss America's @ss you would be the smallest agriculture province in Russia. I hope when the Muslims overpower you we wait until cut your throat before we rescue them again. Brief history lesson before I let you get back to your parents basement; Great Britain was a whole lot less popular than the USA when they ruled the world.
5 :
Sorry, Great Britain. like America has abandoned true principals of personal freedom and property rights. you need a another Maggie and we need another Ronald to put thing right. Socialism has taken over, comrade.
6 :
Troll. English isn't your first language. You can't write one coherent sentence. Where are you from?
7 :
Of course you COULD but I don't see it happening any time soon. You won't do what it would take. Britain can become a superpower and rich again by returning to it's political roots - the ones from which sprang-forth "American" tradition. Britain NEVER CONTROLLED 40% of the world's population, they ADMINISTERED it in extremely Republican (classical liberal/libertarian) fashion. That is the key to superpower status and moving away from that model is the reason we're chasing after you to lose ours. You guys are WAY to the left of your position from the time of the Empire's peak. Leftism guarantees you will not be a superpower - not on a sustainable basis, anyway. Not a lot of my countrymen (I'm not sure about yours) realize the "American Revolution" was merely about reclaiming the rights to which our founders had long been accustomed as Englishmen. Local control; self-government - was the central feature of the old empire, wherein the average person was recognized as a citizen, in fact if not officially. Forward to 2009 and you find you are essentially government property. (again, the US is racing to follow you down that path.) Free men make their country a superpower. It really IS that simple. Kman, "when it brutally oppressed a majority of the known world" the Empire's status as a superpower was already in decline.
8 :
No hated? Your island mates, the Irish and Scottish might disagree with that statement.
9 :
It's hard to read a big block of text and I only read a few lines. We have the potential to become a super power and we still have a big punch for our size. We should leave the EU to save £40 million a day and use it on our own country. The Commonwealth have a faster economic growth rate than the EU so we should improve our trade relations with them. Then we need to start manufacturing products and export them. The government need to take a step back and let British businesses grow instead of preventing them from growing by increasing taxes.
10 :

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Can Great Britain become superpower again?How do you thin we can achieve this

Can Great Britain become superpower again?How do you thin we can achieve this?
Im sick of kissing America's a.s.s how do you think Britain can become a superpower and rich again. I think the size of Russia,Usa,China etc and there population help, at 1 time in history Britain was cantrolling 40% of the worlds population, i am shocked we do not have superpower status still it is a disgreace.I think what will, help us is if we start producing are own goods again before Britain was the biggest exporter in the world and also had the most factories in the world,i think we also need a rapid increase in miltary personnel i think we need to be like Russia and Usa and be forceful in recruiting soilders more miltary schools academies etc. like the way we used to patrol the oceans of the world and enforce power i could go on forever but i will try and stop i do not think china will make it as a superpwer 1. They are communist.2.In the background America the CIA is destroying there rageme and the CIA have been responsible for many of the coups and overthrowings of heads of states, and could i just state that Russia is not a superpwer search superpower in google and it saids the only country that can actually call themselves a superpower is America and judging a superpower is not judged on nuclear weapons and miltary sizes alone for those of you who do not know Russia has a larger nuclear arsenal than America but America has a larger miltary and it is not likly if any of these the biggest nuclear stockpilers in the world go to war as enemies not likley the will use nuclear arsenals because they all know that both have powerful nuclear wepons and 1 nuclear weapon can do enough damage so quantity does not matte quality does and if they go to war they both know 1 gets nuked both gets nuked than America has war with the worl as Russia is close to Asia and Europe so it would not be smart to nuke them and if they go to war Nato will say F.*U.* C.*k that we are not fighting Russia tha America against the warsaw pact.I also think if the commonwealth started to work more together, we could acheive superpower status easily we have the population in various countries Canada is the second largest country in the world, and Australlia is having more and more immigrants flocking in to work extremeley hard it has the highest number in the world for the population increase,and europe in a whole has higher GDP than america people were saying Europe should enter the G8 G20 etc as one unit do you agree and are EU economy accounts for 31% of the world GDP and rermeber Russia is not part of the EU how do you think we can get Great Britain to be great again.Britain also has a higher GDP than Russia. The Russians are in tons of debt that dates back to the soviet union and jus about 10 year ago halve of Russia's population were living below the poverty line and a large proportion still is, and China is the definition of poverty because there population size is there downfall same as India really but i think India have a chance but will end up going to war with someone in asia i just have a feeling.
Government - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
When you killed Christianity and conservatism, you killed your country
2 :
Britain was able to exploit a very unusual set of circumstances in the world to gain ascendancy. Those circumstances are now gone. The British Empire will never rise again.
3 :
4 :
first there is nothing wrong with being a communist they get thing done a lot faster than usa and second a superpower is consider to have influence over other country so if you have a f u c k i n g nuclear bomb you are going to have some f u c k i n g over the f u c k i n g world. And america does not f u c k i n g forcefully recruit anyone. Lastely Great Britian is NEVER going to be like what it use to be the cicrumstance has changed. Great Britain is a very small country with limited resources and since it can't force their colonies to give them stuff they are f u c k i n g done.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Which work by which artist is the best based on The British Industrial Revolution

Which work by which artist is the best based on The British Industrial Revolution?
I want to collect paintings that show Britain in it's Industrial years and ive seen some paintings in the past that really give you a feeling of the relationships between man and machinery and how it effected the landscapes of Britain. But can anybody please put me on the track of great artists and their work that I can look out for?
Painting - 2 Answers
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1 :
LS Lowry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L._S._Lowry
2 :
the best is an artist called L.S. Lowry. He did lots of pictures of the industrial revolution . His paintings commonly consist of "matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs" and industrial machinery and factories. Do a google using the words in inverted commas and see what you come up with. I hope that you are wealthy though as his work is expensive.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

a question about socialized health care

a question about socialized health care?
if socialized health care works in countries like great britain and australia and the netherlands why are americans unsure as to whether it will work or not? what are some major flaws with socialized health care?
Politics - 7 Answers
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1 :
They think it will cost too much, which is funny because Britain has been funding it for over 50 years with no problems.
2 :
we have more teens pregnancy, more drug addicts, more people with hypochondria, ect. what's right for them may not be right for us.
3 :
Why do we need to follow other country's examples when the majority of our country is satisfied with health care as it is? The majority of Americans believe that health care has become too expensive, and are open to cost reduction measures. Not entitlements like socialized health care...we are not Europe and don't want to be.
4 :
There are all kinds of problems that the Left refuses to acknowledge. In Germany, for example, doctors are paid less than 100K and are on the verge of a strike. Very few will enter Med school to make that amount of money. In Switzerland, Drug companies make their fortunes in the US, and then charge nothing there. Eliminate that and what happens? Cost are what they are.
5 :
1. Huge cost over-runs adding to the national debt. 2. Thwarting the profit incentive to discover new "cures" 3. Government knowledge and involvement with personal (and very private) medical histories.
6 :
its all about selfishness , it the old "i got mine, you get yours!" Reactionaries do not care to what happens to anyone outside their family circle, that is, until someone in their family gets some chronic disease, then they are crying for help.
7 :
First of all, we have something Britain, Australia and the Netherlands don't have. Our Constitution. It clearly limits the power of the Federal Government and Socialized Health Care is definitely one of those things the Fed Gov is not allowed to do. On top of that, our Fed Gov's history of running large scale programs is abysmal. Post Office, Social Security, Medicaid/Medicare...all totally broke (i.e. out of money). The FACT that they have to start collecting taxes for 4 years to make it work for the next 6 tells you that their financing plans are not sustainable. And anyone who actually believes that this monstrosity will only cost $980 billion is a total fool. This thing will run 3-5 times that much (if not more).

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Schools that offer J.D. degrees in Great Britain

Schools that offer J.D. degrees in Great Britain?
I'm a U.S. citizen finishing up my undergraduate work and I would really like to get a law degree (preferably, but not necessarily, in international law) from somewhere in Great Britain. I was wondering if there were any schools that offered J.D. degrees in that part of the world or joint degrees as I would probably like to come back and practice law in the United States.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
I am a retired attorney in the USA. I do not think that the J.D. title is used in Britain. I think they use an equivalent, but I am not sure what it is called. You will need to find out the name of the British law degree before you can do further research on courses to pursue. If you take your degree in Britain, you will probably be at a disadvantage in passing the bar exam in many American states. Although our law is based on English Common Law and the best US law schools do not teach "toward" the bar exam, it is my impression that British legal education is different enough that you will not learn some American subjects or the American approach to them. It is also my recollection that part of the British law study program is given in undergraduate school and that part is a practical clerkship in a law office. Most importantly, most, if not all, US states require people sitting for their bar exam to have graduated from a law school approved by the American Bar Association or by the State Bar of the particular state. I do not know if any British law schools have this approval. You might look at the ABA website or phone them. What I would recommend is that you look for a US law school which has a formal program which allows you to study law for a semester or two in Britain and counts this study towards your US degree. Most of these schools will probably be among the more difficult for admission. You can probably get some leads on Google or from the ABA. Please feel free to email me if you need further information. Although I do not know anything more about studying in Britain than I have told you, I can tell you a lot about studying law in the US.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Death of "Great" Britain

The Death of "Great" Britain?
Once, Britain had the largest empire on Earth Once, Britain fought in and was victorious in two World Wars Once, Britain was home to brave, caring, loving gentlemen Once, Britain was home to sweet, hardworking, gentle women Why is it that in the past Great Britain was home to such wonderful people, yet today a large majority of people (Atleast where I live) are happily unemployed, baby creating Vicky Pollards. I live in a country in which politicians are corrupt, cowards with no backbone whatsoever, Illegal immigrants can come here, and claim rights, and are given them, while the British people have less rights than those who come here from overseas. There are cases of hardworking men and women being pushed to the back of hospital waiting lists, in order to put "Gypsies" and illegal immigrants at the front. The law in Britain is the bottom pit of this hell, I will get 5 years for murdering a child, yet a man was given 20 for drugs charges. If I am attacked, or mugged, or someone tries to murder me, I have no right to defend myself, or subdue or even in the worst case kill my attacker, as it is looked down upon, in Britain, especially England, defending myself, or family, is a crime if it where to mean the agressor would be hurt or killed. While the politicians squander and lie, the workers suffer, and those who don't work, reap the benefits of the people. What happened to "Great Britian" ? And what can we do to help ?
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't know about all that bro - but British babes are rightiously bodacious dude! I know this one chick down at the docs from England - that babe is into all kind of freaky stuff bro! You dudes are do luck bro.
2 :
WwII destroyed them economically, so they had to rebuild and lose the colonies. But people there are too satisfied with their way of life, and it happens everywhere.
3 :
Someone from India just posted the same question. I answered by saying the USA is in the same condition. The entire developed world is drowning in an ocean of corruption and public ignorance. Soon we will become two class third world toilets like the undeveloped world. We will all be like Mexico and the countries in Africa. This is how civilization comes full circle and goes back to living like cave men. With the people cheering all the way down.
4 :
You and your people need to band together. The first thing that needs to happen is to get rid of this stupid political correctness that's killing off societies. What a stupid concept, walking on egg shells around people just because one might offend someone who isn't paying attention or cares what you say anyway. Get rid of "diversity" and Multiculturalism obsessions. Other ideas and cultures can enrich a society, but it should never get to the point where those ideas are allowed to take over the host culture. And when resisting them could get you in trouble, even when it's detrimental. Get rid of white guilt and stop making it so all cultures are better than the one you had. Strip illegal aliens of all entitlements such as welfare and free stuff, knowing you, a citizen could never be taken care of so well.
5 :
The U.K. has been in decline for over 90 years now. Sorry, but it is a hopeless case, completely hijacked by political correctness.
6 :
You Brits had held your rulers accountable in the past. I seem to recall reading about one of your incompetent kings getting dragged out of the palace and executed. Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Australia, Canada, Scandanavia, Spain, and the United States all jumped on the diversity bandwagon together, and it has been proven to be a failure. China and Japan don't have our racial problems because they don't allow many foreigners to enter their countries. I can't wait for the majority white nations to finally throw in the towel on diversity and start the long, bloody process of undoing this failed experiment. Millions of unemployed white people is a good thing for those of us who hate diversity.
7 :
this is once how america was too....but unfortunately, it all changed
8 :
The E.U. will be the death of you if you don't kick it to the curb.